Book: Space-tacular! (Science with Stuff)
Author: Allyson Kulavis
Publisher: Downtown Bookworks
Pages: 48
Grade Level: 3rd Grade and up
Rating: 4 Stars
Rating: 4 Stars
Space-tacular is an excellent
introduction to many aspects of space. The book defines key terms and provides
excellent details to life in space and how engineers and astronauts explore
space. The pictures are all real (courtesy of NASA) and children will learn
interesting and fun facts that are truly out of this world!
This book is filled with information in a format that is easy to read
and understand. The only minor flaw is in the flow of the beginning of the
book. It starts off with a page dedicated to the Sun, then Jupiter, followed by
Venus which would make the reader assume they will have a brief introduction to
the planets but the next pages begin a discussion of the moon, galaxies and
asteroids followed by Mars and space travel. Adding the other planets would
complete this book and truly make it a comprehensive “everything you need to
know about the universe”. However, even without those pages this book still
serves as an excellent resource for any child (or adult) interested in learning
all about space. The book also comes with rocks that formed when a giant
meteorite crashed into earth which is definitely a special collectable for
someone interested in this topic!
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