Monday, February 2, 2015


If you are a parent like me, your child’s snow days consist of a lot more television and iPad time then you would like to admit. When there is only one day, it isn’t so bad. But what happens when you find yourself dreading potential school closings on account of you feel you are turning your child into a technology zombie? Here are some really easy fun and engaging activities you can do with your child to break up the day in a more educational way. Each of these activities focuses on at least one of the six early literacy skills: phonological awareness (the sounds of letters), narrative skills (the ability to tell/understand simple stories), letter knowledge, print awareness (letters existing to form words) vocabulary and print motivation (getting children excited about reading).

Guess The Letter:
  • Make the sound of a letter and have your child guess which letter makes that sound
  • Place letters on the floor (you can make them yourself or use flashcards or if you have foam letters etc.) and make the sound of a letter. Have your child point or jump to the letter that makes that sound
  • Using the letters on the floor, say the name of a letter and have your child point or jump to that letter (you can also play this game with numbers)

Where’s Teddy?
  • Hide a favorite toy and ask the child where it is. When the child brings it to you have them tell you where it was. You can take turns hiding the toy or hide a few different toys and make a treasure hunt

Talking On the Phone: 
  • Give your child a pretend phone and have them call you up (either using your phone or another play one). Create a conversation with your child as if you are not in the same room

What’s In the Bag?
  •  Place a few items in a bag and ask your child to help you unpack the bag. Have the child tell you the name of each item they are holding
  • Ask a child to find a specific item in a bag
  • Have your child help you pack a bag for a specific adventure and have them tell you what they are putting into the bag (bonus if they can tell you why you need that item!)

Create a Word Book:
  • Create a list of words your child is familiar with, or pictures of words your child knows (you can even have your child draw pictures of words he knows like a chair or cup or book etc.) Place them in an empty photo album or paste the pictures into a notebook. Have the child go through the book and tell you the names of the pictures (or read the words if they have started to sight read)

In addition to these activities you can always throw on some music and start a dance party. Feel free to shake your sillies out or clap your hands if you’re happy and you know it! Stay warm during these very cold days when the sun doesn’t shine and it’s too wet to play and remember, you don’t just have to sit and read to a child all day to help them build their early literacy skills!

Happy Snow Days!

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