Sunday, April 23, 2017


In my autobiography, or the world's worst parenting book ever - whichever my future editor decides will be better on the market, there will definitely be a chapter dedicated to my love and hoarding of free stuff. I LOVE getting free stuff - especially if it is something I would actually spend money on. Baby Gear? Books? Toys? Cool looking pens? Sign me up! I pretty much hit the jackpot this morning when I accidentally ended up at "The Mama Expo" at the NY Hall of Science today and it was COMPLETELY free!!! (Not like when I go to the Biggest Baby Shower or the Book Expo and rack up "free stuff" - I am aware I paid to get in so therefore I am entitled to all these samples!)

As my husband and I pondered what to do with the kids on this beautiful day, our 5 year old came downstairs and asked if we could go to the Science Museum since we haven't been there in a long time. We figured if we really pushed ourselves we could make it there by 10:30 and get free admission and then get pizza for lunch after. (It was 8:46 but we were on a mission and we could do this!) Into the car we stumbled at 10:08 and we thought "yea, we got this!" and pulled into a parking spot at 10:36. I was mentally prepared for that kiddie playroom where we always start our Science journey but instead I was greeted with "Excuse me Miss, would you like a gift bag?" "Why yes I would love one thank you! Are you having a birthday party?" Is what I asked this cute little teenage girl and she looked at me like I was crazy and she said, "No, there is an event here today and we are celebrating moms and you look like a mom". (Cool, did my stroller give that away or the pile of coats in my hand??) And that was when reality hit my husband and he said "Go do your thing just call and find us when it's out of your system - but you keep the baby with you". 

There I was - free pass from stressing out that my kids are getting pink eye from touching drums and bubble wands and off to gather up goodies I definitely don't need but MUST accumulate. The picture above is a summation of my collection. I kept it pretty calm today (I don't want my husband to think he married an insane person), but the free tutu was a definite score and so were the sting rays because we definitely don't have stuffed sting rays. Not shown are all the Happy Baby and Plum Organics pouches I hoarded. (I have 3 kids constantly on the go, pouches are expensive and the best thing to throw in a bag - I should not have to defend myself!) If I am being honest, no, I do not plan to send my kids to any of the day camps I feigned interest in to get an extra bag to hold my stuff or free stress balls but at least I am doing all these kind places a service by posting their slogans here.

The best booth I stopped at (and the reason this ties into my librarian blog) belonged to the Brooklyn Public Library. First I had to make small talk with the librarians because we are basically professional family AND because I NEED to make sure Karen Keys gets my regards! (Side point: Karen was one of the best coworkers and mentors I ever had in the biz - if you are a YA book fan - you want to be her bestie - she has a major in with those Printz nominees so find her branch, ask to chat with her and tell her that I sent you!) I wanted to share with my readers an amazing service BPL provides. It is called BKLYN BookMatch and all you need to do is fill out a form of the books you like (or your kids) and they will email you back a list of personalized reading suggestions based on your form. This is better than any generic "If you liked this, read this" bookmark I've ever made for my children's room because it actually has a reader in mind! You BPL Librarians are amazing and so innovative in the world of children's librarianship and I want people to really utilize this! (And make other libraries do this too!) So to get you started on your new reading journey, here is the link to BookMatch: 

To sum up what we've learned from today's adventure: Listen to your 5 year old when he makes a great suggestion on how to spend the day. Make sure you get the cooler free pens on the table, even if it means signing up for spam emails and obviously, don't leave until each kid has at least 3 new things to clutter their rooms with! And of course,  most importantly - hit up the BookMatch questionnaire!

Happy Reading!!!

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