Showing posts with label Dr. Seuss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Seuss. Show all posts

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Today is Dr. Seuss's birthday! Since it is always fun to make a great excuse for a party, we will be celebrating this beloved author by reading some of our favorite Dr. Seuss books and playing "Pin the Eggs on the Ham". For some great ideas to celebrate in your own way and coloring pages, go to and make your own special birthday party for the man who created Sam I Am, The Cat in the Hat, The Lorax, The Sneeches, Horton the Elephant and so many more of our favorite storybook characters!

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Board Books

Those very square supposedly unbreakable short books that somehow find their way into every baby's mouth - those are "board books". While the claim is they are more sturdy than regular picture books, somehow their binds crack and they seem to get ripped apart as soon as a baby gets teeth. No worries! You are still teaching your child literacy because they are learning how to handle a book during this process. Seems impossible right? Actually, holding that book makes the baby look at the words and pictures, so they are learning books have words and pictures.

There is no such thing as a "bad book" to give a baby or toddler, but some are definitely better choices than others. It's a great idea to mix it up at story time for your little ones. It is great to show off books that have one picture per page with the word underneath (or above it) and children greatly benefit from touch and feel books, but don't stop there! You would be surprised at how long your toddler can actually sit. Be wary of books that are shortened into board books, they don't always make sense, while others are excellent like Dr. Seuss's "Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You"? or "Go Dog, Go!" by P.D. Eastman. By the time my son was two years old he was able to repeat these books by heart.

Babies also love to look at other babies and there are great books that go through daily sequencing or colors starring cute ones that are definitely worth investing in. Remember, it is okay if during story time with your baby or toddler they take the book from your hand and decide you aren't going to finish the story. It is important they flip through it on their own and explore the beauty of the physical book. There will be plenty of time to read the book cover to cover over time. Enjoy this precious together time!