Showing posts with label coloring pages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coloring pages. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

It's Passover Time!

Hello Friends,

I know it's crunch time and everyone is cleaning out those pockets and vacuuming for those final crumbs, but let's all remember this is also a time to celebrate so to get you in the mood - here are some fun songs for you to hum and get in the spirit of the holiday! (And as always, some activities to entertain your little ones while you are in the kitchen!)

Enjoy and have a happy and healthy Passover!

The Order Of The Seder
Kadesh, Urchatz, 
Karpas, Yachatz, 
Maggid, Rachtzah,
Motzie, Matzah, 
Maror, Korech, 
Shulchan Orech, 
Tzafun, Beirach, 
Hallel, Nirtzah

The Seder Plate (tune: this old man)
Parsley green number one... that’s cause springtime has begun.
Chorus: For it’s Pesach now, how do we celebrate, see what’s on our Seder plate.
Charoset is number two... Sweet like freedom, good for you. (Chorus)
Maror is number three... bitter herbs for slavery... (Chorus)
Shank bone is number four... lamb’s blood marking on the door. (Chorus)
Hardboiled egg number five... it’s so good to be alive! (Chorus)

Ma Nishtana?
Mah nishtanah halaylah hazeh mikol halaylot?
1) She-bechol halaylot ain anu matbilin afilu pa’am echat, halaylah hazeh shtei pe’amim?
2) She-bechol halaylot anu ochlim chametz o matzah, halaylah hazeh kulo matzah?
3) She-bechol halaylot anu ochlim she’ar yerakot, halaylah hazeh maror?
4) She-bechol halaylot anu ochlim bain yoshvin u-vain mesubin, halaylah hazeh kulanu mesubin?

The Ten Plagues
Dam, Tzefardea
Kinim, Arov
Dever, Sh’chin 
Barad, Arbeh
Choshech, Makat Bechorot.
These are the ten plagues!

The Frog Song
One morning when Pharoah woke in his bed
There were frogs on his head, and frogs in his bed
Frogs on his nose and frogs on his toes
Frogs – here! Frogs – there!
Frogs were jumping everywhere!

Il-u ho-tzi, Ho-tzi-a-nu Ho-tzi-a-nu mi-mitz-ra-yim Ho-tzi-a-nu mi-mitz-ra-yim Da-yei-nu
Refrain: Da, da-yei-nu

Work, Work, Work
Bang, bang, bang, hold your hammer low
Bang, bang, bang, give a heavy blow.
For it’s work, work, work, every day and every night
For it’s work, work, work, when it’s dark and when it’s light.
Dig, dig, dig, get your shovel deep
Dig, dig, dig, there’s no time to sleep.
For it’s work, work, work, every day and every night
For it’s work, work, work, when it’s dark and when it’s light.

Who Knows One?
1 - who knows 1
1 - I know 1
1 is Our God who is in the heavens and on earth.

2 who knows 2
2 I know 2
2 are the tablets of the commandments
1 is Our God who is in the heavens and on earth.

3 who knows 3
3 I know 3
3 are the fathers
2 are the tablets of the commandments
1 is Our God who is in the heavens and on earth.

4 who knows 4
4 I know 4
4 are the mothers,
3 are the fathers
2 are the tablets of the commandments
1 is Our God who is in the heavens and on earth.

5 who knows 5
5 I know 5
5 are the books of the Torah,
4 are the mothers,
3 are the fathers
2 are the tablets of the commandments
1 is Our God who is in the heavens and on earth.

Bake A Matzah
Bake a matzah, pat, pat, pat
Do not make it fat, fat, fat
Bake a matzah, pat, pat, pat
Bake a matzah just like that.
Make charoset, chop, chop, chop
Apples, nuts and cinnamon
Add some wine, its lots of fun
Make charoset chop, chop, chop.

Eliyahu HaNavi
Eliyahu Hanavi,
Eliyahu Hatishbi,
Elyahu Hagiladi,
Bimherah Biyameinu
Yavo Eleinu
Im Mashiach Ben David

Chad Gadya (One Little Goat)
One little goat my father bought for two zuzim - chad gadya
Then came the cat that ate the kid…
Then came the dog and bit the cat that ate the kid my father bought for two zuzim - chad gadya
Then came the stick and beat the dog that bit the cat that ate the kid my father bought for two zuzim - chad gadya
Then came the fire And burned the stick that beat the dog that bit the cat that ate the kid my father bought for two zuzim, chad gadya!

Pat a cake Pat a cake Matzah man,
Bake me an afikomen as fast as you can
The afikomen is the piece that Daddy 
 So I can find it and get a prize!


Coloring Book:


Paper Crafts:

Seder Plate:

Other Ideas:

Monday, March 21, 2016

Purim Is Coming!

I do not know a single child that does not love the holiday of Purim. Free candy? Check. Dress up as your favorite character? Check. No School? Check. Sometimes it can be daunting as an adult to prep for this holiday. Should my mishloach manos have a theme? Do I REALLY need to make hamentashen and am I the worst if I don’t? I personally am not one to judge, I am just a huge fan of free food that comes to my door that I can snack on from now until Pesach. Just in case you are looking for something fun to put you in the holiday spirit, here are some songs and activities to remind yourself that we are celebrating the fact our people were not obliterated, a woman saved the day and we are can eat all the cake and candy we want because it is a mitzvah.

Have a very happy Purim!!


Chag Purim:
Chag Purim, Chag Purim, Chag Gadol Hu La’Yehudim, Masechot Ra’ashanim, Shirim v’Rikudim
Chorus: Hava Narisha, Rash, Rash, Rash! Barashanim.

Shoshanat Yakov:
Shoshanat Yaakov, tzahala v’samecha birotam yachad tchelet Mordechai.
T’shuatam hayita lanetzach vetikvatam b’chol dor vador, lehodia shekol kovecha lo yevoshu v’lo yikalmu lanetzach kol hachosim bach.
Arur Haman asher bikesh l’abdi, baruch Mordechai haYehudi. Arura Zeresh, eshet mafchidi, beruchah Eshter ba’adi. Arurim kol hareshaim, beruchim kol hatzadikim. Vegam Charvonah zachur latov.

V’Nahaphoch Hu:
 V’Nahapoch Hu Asher Yishletu Hayehudim Hemah Besonehem

LaYehudim Hayesa Orah:
LaYehudim hayesa orah, v'simcha, v'sasson vi'ykar.

Nosh Nosh A Hamentash:
Nosh Nosh a hamentash
Let’s make a hamentash now (2x)
Pat pat pat the dough with me,
Pat it flat and you will see.
Haman’s Hat was just like that.
Pat pat a hamentash now.
Nosh Nosh a hamentash
Let’s make a hamentash now (2x)
Squeeze and pinch the dough with me,
Squeeze and punch and you will see,
Haman’s hat was just like that.
Let’s squeeze a hamentash now.
Nosh Nosh a hamentash
Let’s make a hamentash now (2x)

Haman’s Hat:
My hat it has three corners, three corners has my hat and had it not three corners it would not be my hat. Use hand motions. My--point to yourself, Hat-touch head, three--put up three fingers, corners--touch elbow. Each time you sing the song leave out a word and just use the hand motion. First leave out my, then hat, then three, then corners. Finish by singing the complete song again.

Purim Song: (Tune: If You're Happy and You Know It)
If you hear the name of Haman stomp your feet. (stomp feet twice) repeat If you hear the name of Haman, if you hear the name of Haman, if you hear the name of Haman stomp your feet (stomp feet twice)
If you hear the name of Esther clap your hands......
If you hear the name of Achashverosh turn around.....
If you hear the name of Mordecai shout hooray...


Hamentashen Recipes:

Coloring Pages:

Mask Templates: